Sunday, September 28, 2014

9 Months of L♥VE!

Violette's 9th month has been a doozie so far! :) She is 40 weeks old, been out LONGER than she was in! So much has changed this month... and as I write this intro she has just finished a plate of pasta and shredded cheese! (a small plate, but alas... deconstructed MAC & CHEESE!) We are very excited about what is to come! Here's a look at what's been happening at Chateau Sawyer!

9 months!

and then this happened... 
Wait for it....

Oh, YES SHE DID. Ugh... #yourekillingmesmalls

First - The Stats!
Height: 29" Long
Weight: 16lbs 7ozs
Head Circumference: 17"
Diaper Size: 2
Onesie Size: 3-6 mos and 6-9 mos (depending on the item - Carters fit best)
Pants Size: 3 months (Carters fit best)

This week our little one can count 2 bottom teeth! She has been allowed some more adventurous eats as well! She started cheese and yogurt this week (both immense hits!) And pasta is another newfound favorite... with a preference toward the spinach or carrot varieties... we are now at 3 meals a day, and approximately 3 snacks. She enjoys puffs in spinach, sweet potato and carrot varieties these days as well. Such a big girl! (No teeth pics yet, she won't let us get near them yet - we think! - because they are so sensitive)

1st time Crawling in GRASS!
Photo by Mel Carll

Crawling at 90 miles a minute these days, she still prefers standing and when seated is more in a kneeling position as though she will stand up at any moment. She is frequently found with "no hands!" Or an item in each hand standing up tall and strong. Such an overacheiver this one!

Rocking her Audrey Hepburn look...
Photo by Mel Carll
Lots of babbling and smiling and just a few words. She understands quite a few though... like when I ask for her spoon or her ball or her block she knows exactly what I am requesting and hurries over to get it. She mainly says "mama", "dada" and "dog" .

The last few weeks have been an improvement, with a 7 hour spurt and then a 2 hour spurt at night... there are still the every 4 hour nights but they have been less. We shall see if it continues.

We had a fun photo shoot with Mel Carll last week. We got some really cute shots, too. Violette enjoyed her first touch of grass and dirt that day... yikes! This month was filled with blessings and changes, and we are excited to see what is to come!